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The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and let’s grow your business!

Unlock the Secrets: Top Must-Ask Questions for Handmade Business & Etsy Success

πŸ’¬ Unlock the Secrets: πŸ’™ Top Must-Ask Questions for Handmade Business & Etsy Success πŸ”₯

branding make more sales maker mindset pricing and financials social media and marketing starting a handmade business Sep 10, 2024

🎧 Listen to this blog post as a Podcast instead '#12 - My first LIVE episode answering your handmade business and Etsy questions'


Unlock the Secrets: Top Must-Ask Questions for Handmade Business & Etsy Success. I really loved creating this blog and I hope you love it as much as I do. It’s full of insights, expert advice, questions from HBSA students and answers from me to help you skyrocket sales in your handmade business.


Key insights include the importance of developing a personal brand, launching new products based on best-sellers, implementing effective marketing practices, and handling Etsy-related issues. You'll be able to take away actionable strategies to implement within your creative business if you are selling handmade products online, on platforms such as Etsy, Amazon handmade, goimagine, or your own website...


How Do I Get Back to COVID-19 Sales Levels?


The COVID-19 pandemic was such a unique and weird time that saw a massive spike in new Etsy shops and online shopping. Many people found themselves with more time on their hands and explored turning their hobbies into businesses. This forced a shift to online shopping that meant millions of customers who may have previously resisted the world e-commerce were now comfortable buying products from the comfort of their own home.


However, the question is whether we'll see that level of online traffic again. The short answer is probably not… I know I’m sorry to break the news to you. What has changed is the way people shop. While some may have enjoyed the convenience of online shopping during lockdowns, others are eager to return to in-person retail. The key is recognising that what worked in 2019, 2020, or even 2021 may not be effective now.


  • Brands and personal connections matter more than ever. Consumers want to connect with a brand, not just a generic product.
  • Avoid being a "me-too" business where you see someone else selling something, think you can do it and create a copy and paste business. Originality and uniqueness are crucial in a saturated market. And let’s face it, everything is saturated… everything.
  • Focus on building your own audience and email list, rather than relying solely on platforms like Etsy to drive traffic.


To recapture those COVID-19 sales levels, you'll need to work a bit harder, but the good news is that you would have had to do it anyway, even without the pandemic. The key is to transition from being a commodity seller to an emotional seller, building that crucial know, like, and trust factor with your audience and really homing in on their psychographics.



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When Will I Know It’s Time to Give Up?


Deciding when to give up on a business can be a difficult and emotional decision… been there, done that. It's really important to differentiate between feeling disheartened by a lack of sales or losing passion for certain aspects of your business versus truly hating the business itself.


One of my favourite quotes is, "Entrepreneurs either keep going until they reach success or they give up before they do." This highlights the importance of perseverance, but also the need to be honest with yourself about the path forward.


  • Take time to think whether you've lost passion for specific parts of your business, or the business as a whole. Can you pivot or make changes to focus on what you enjoy?
  • Consider whether you're putting in a lot of effort without seeing the desired results. This may be a sign that it's time to make a change, not necessarily give up entirely.
  • Give yourself permission to pivot or change direction. Your handmade business should provide you with the freedom to adapt and evolve, not feel like a job you're trapped in. 


Ultimately, the decision to "give up" is a personal one, but it's important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to make changes that align with your goals and passions. Treat it as a pivot or a new chapter, rather than a failure.

Should I Be Launching a Website Alongside Etsy?


When it comes to launching a website alongside an Etsy shop, the most important factor is not necessarily where you start, but rather how you approach building your audience and driving traffic.


In the early stages of your business, the platform you choose (Etsy, your own website, Amazon handmade, etc.) is less important than your ability to make mistakes, prove product demand, and generate revenue that can be reinvested. The key is to focus on the platform that will allow you to do this most effectively and efficiently.


  • Etsy has the advantage of a built-in audience of buyers who are actively searching for handmade and unique products. This can make it easier to gain traction in the early stages.
  • Your own website, on the other hand, requires more effort in building an audience and driving traffic, but it gives you more control and branding opportunities in the long run.
  • Ultimately, the best approach is to choose one platform to focus on initially, whether that's Etsy or your own website, and use that as a foundation to build your audience and email list. Once you have a solid base, you can then expand to additional sales channels.


The key is to avoid spreading yourself too thin trying to manage multiple platforms at once, especially in the early stages of your business. Concentrate your efforts on the one that will allow you to make the most progress, then gradually expand your reach as your audience and resources grow.



How Do I Write a Compelling Etsy Shop Announcement?


Crafting an effective Etsy shop announcement is soooooo underrated, it’s all about understanding your current focus and the action you want your audience to take. Rather than trying to cram in every possible detail, keep your announcement sharp, simple, and aligned with your immediate business goals.


  • Identify your current focus or goal: Is it building your email list, growing more sales, or driving your audience on a specific social media platform? This will guide the purpose of your shop announcement.
  • Offer a clear incentive: Give your audience a compelling reason to take the action you want, whether it's a discount, a free gift, or exclusive content… add value.
  • Keep it concise and conversational: Avoid jargon or overly formal language. Speak to your audience in a way that feels natural and relatable.


Remember, your shop announcement is not the place to dump every bit of information about your business. Instead, use it as a targeted tool to drive a specific outcome, whether that's growing your email list, promoting a sale, or teasing an upcoming product launch. By keeping it focused and engaging, you'll be more likely to capture your audience's attention and inspire them to take the action you desire.



What Are Your Top 3 Ways to Boost Your Etsy Shop During Slow Times?


When your Etsy shop hits a lull, there are three key strategies you can implement to give it a much-needed boost:


1. Create New Products Based on Best Sellers


Take a close look at your top-selling products and use that data to inform new product development. Rather than simply renewing the same listings over and over, breathe new life into your shop by creating fresh, related products that build on your proven successes.


For example, if your best-selling "man candle" has been performing well, consider expanding the line with new scents or packaging variations. This allows you to capitalise on existing demand while also offering something new and exciting to your customers.


2. Run a 25% Off Sale


While deep discounts can be risky, a well-timed 25% off sale can be an effective way to boost visibility and drive sales during slow periods. The key is to ensure your pricing structure allows you to maintain profitability, even with the discount applied.


Etsy's algorithm tends to favour listings with active sales, so running a limited-time 25% off promotion can help your products gain more exposure. Just be sure to time it strategically, such as around major gift-giving holidays or seasons.


3. Consistently Market Your Shop


One of the most common mistakes during slow periods is to suddenly ramp up marketing efforts, only to let them fizzle out when things pick up again. Consistent, long-term marketing is the key to sustainable growth.


Develop a content calendar and stick to a regular posting schedule on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or your email list. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, product spotlights, and engaging content that helps build relationships with your audience. Consistency is crucial, even when sales are slow. Don’t give up posting… How else will people know you have an active shop?


By implementing these three strategies - creating new products, running strategic sales, and maintaining consistent marketing - you can give your Etsy shop a much-needed boost during periods of slower activity. Remember, the key is to approach these tactics with a long-term, sustainable mindset, rather than quick fixes that may not have lasting impact.


 Love Steph xox




πŸ₯³Do you want to learn more? 

We’ve got loads of resources to help you scale your handmade business:


1οΈβƒ£βœ¨Just starting out? Here's my best resources:πŸ‘‰ Start here  πŸƒ


2οΈβƒ£βœ¨Want to be visible and get more traffic? Here's my recommendations: πŸ‘‰Get noticed πŸ‘€


3οΈβƒ£βœ¨Ready to grow your business? Here's your to-do list: πŸ‘‰ Grow here πŸ“ˆ

πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»Choose your own adventure with these resourcesπŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»


✨My book “how to be a handmade boss” is like a super intensive course on getting your first sales (plus, it’s a book/workbook hybrid!) πŸ‘‰  Find out more here


✨Shop not doing so great? Getting views but no sales? No views at all? Overwhelmed with it all? Check out the shop doctor: πŸ‘‰ Join here


✨My highly rated FREE masterclass on how to increase your Etsy conversion rate is the KEY thing most Etsy sellers miss when trying to make more money and get more sales in 7 days. πŸ‘‰ Join here


✨Listen to my chart-topping podcast for an unfiltered and honest view as to what it takes to grow a handmade business πŸ‘‰ Listen here 🎧 Whether you’re a complete beginner on Etsy, or want to scale your handmade business to multi-6 figures, the “How To Be A Handmade Boss” podcast gives you actionable advice and workshop style episodes to grow your handmade business on Etsy, your own website and beyond


✨I’m live most Mondays in my Facebook group with our Monday Momentum lives. These include coffee chats & mini workshops to help you make more money from your handmade business! You can see our upcoming events here: πŸ‘‰ See future events here


✨Our YouTube channel is full of hundreds of super informative videos, with help and advice you can put into action straight away .πŸ“Ί


✨More Blog Posts - Don't forget to check out more blog posts from Handmade Bosses πŸ–₯️

✨ Instagram is where you need to be for top tips, and behind the scenes sneak peeks into how I run my 6 figure business πŸ’™Be sure to follow us for announcements of new videos, workshops, content and more.