
to The Handmade Bosses blog!

The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and letโ€™s grow your business!

Steph Cole-Lewis smiles peacefully while sitting on her couch with the words 'stop overwhelm in your handmade business'

๐Ÿ˜ฉ How to stop overwhelm in your handmade business ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

maker mindset Sep 03, 2024

๐ŸŽง Listen to this blog post as a Podcast instead '#17 - How to stop overwhelm in your handmade business'

๐Ÿ˜ฉ Feeling overwhelmed and like you're doing EVERYTHING? You're not alone...I promise โค๏ธ

๐Ÿšฆ In this episode, I'll be giving you advice on how to stop overwhelm in its tracks.

๐Ÿฅบ Drawing from my own experience of dealing with overwhelm and health anxiety.

๐Ÿ’™ Tune in for practical strategies and actionable tips to regain control and find balance in your personal and professional life.

โ˜ฎ๏ธ Whether you're juggling multiple projects or struggling to keep up with the demands of daily life, this episode is your guide to reclaiming your peace of mind. 



Identifying and Overcoming Overwhelm as a Handmade Business Owner


As a handmade business owner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks, content, and responsibilities that come with running your own creative business. From managing your online Etsy shop or website, to creating new products, to marketing your brand, the to-do list can quickly become daunting and paralysing... phew, it can be ALOT!


In this blog post, we'll look at the common causes of overwhelm for handmade business owners and explore practical strategies to help you regain control, boost your productivity, and find more joy in your creative work. By the end, you'll have a toolbox of techniques to help you overcome feelings of being stretched too thin and focus on the most important priorities in your business.


The Dangers of Overwhelm for Handmade Businesses


Overwhelm is more than just an unpleasant feeling - it can have serious consequences for the health and growth of your handmade business. When you're constantly in a state of stress and information overload, it becomes really difficult to make decisions, stay motivated, and maintain the creative spark that drew you to your handmade business in the first place.


Some of the key dangers of overwhelm include:


  • Decreased productivity and focus: When your mind is racing with a million different tasks and priorities, it becomes nearly impossible to concentrate and make meaningful progress on any one thing.
  • Burnout and loss of passion: The relentless pressure of trying to do it all can quickly lead to exhaustion, resentment, and a fading enthusiasm for your work.
  • Poor decision-making: Overwhelm clouds your judgement and makes it harder to identify the most important, high-impact actions to take in your business.
  • Stagnation and missed opportunities: Feeling paralysed by overwhelm means you may miss out on valuable growth opportunities or fail to adapt to changing market conditions.


Ultimately, unchecked overwhelm can derail your handmade business and leave you feeling frustrated, unfulfilled, and ready to throw in the towel. That's why it's so crucial to develop strategies for identifying and managing overwhelm before it takes a serious toll.



Psssst! I’m interrupting your blog post to bring you my best training…for FREE!


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Common Causes of Overwhelm for Handmade Business Owners

So what exactly leads to feelings of overwhelm for handmade business owners? It can be different for everyone but, here are some of the most common culprits:


  • Information overload: With so much content, advice, and "how-to" information available online, it's easy to get pulled in a million different directions and feel like you need to implement every new tactic or strategy you come across. Not a good idea!
  • Trying to do too much: The temptation to wear all the hats, you know what I’m talking about… from product creation to marketing to customer service it can all be overwhelming, especially as your business grows.
  • Unrealistic expectations and pressure: We’re too bloody hard on ourselves! The desire to "keep up" with other successful handmade brands or meet HUGE sales goals can create an unhealthy sense of pressure and urgency.
  • Lack of boundaries and self-care: Failing to set clear boundaries around your time and energy, or neglecting your own well-being, can quickly lead to burnout. It’s ok to say no or to push things to a later date!
  • Inefficient systems and processes: Disorganisation, inefficient workflows, and a lack of automation in your business can make even the simplest tasks feel like a major chore.


The good news is that with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome ALL of these common triggers of overwhelm and regain a sense of control in your handmade business…I pinky promise.



Strategies to Overcome Overwhelm as a Handmade Business Owner


Ready to take back the reins and reclaim your sanity? Here are seven powerful strategies to help you stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling empowered in your handmade business:


1. Limit Consumption of "To-Do" Content


One of the biggest contributors to overwhelm for handmade business owners is the constant influx of new information, advice, and "must-do" tactics from various online sources. While it's important to stay informed and continue learning, consuming too much of this type of content can quickly become counterproductive.


Instead, try to limit yourself to focusing on just one or two trusted sources of information at a time… "listen to one person that you know, that you like, and that you trust, and just consume a little portion of their stuff." This could mean committing to listening to a single podcast episode per week, or reading one blog post per day from a mentor you admire… ah hem…me ๐Ÿ˜‚


By being more selective and intentional about the content you consume, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list and instead focus on implementing the strategies that are truly relevant and impactful for your unique business.



2. Take Regular Breaks


When you're in the thick of running your handmade business, it can be all too easy to get tunnel vision and forget to step away for much-needed breaks. How many times have you been busy creating or listing on Etsy and you let time run away with you? Taking regular time off is crucial for preventing burnout and maintaining your creativity and focus. I literally can’t stress this enough.


It could be a 20-minute walk, a half-day digital detox, or a week-long vacation (yes please!). Stepping away from your business can provide the mental and physical reset you need to come back feeling refreshed and re-energised. "Step away, physically shut the PC down, close the laptop lid, turn off your phone and put it down." and that’s an order ๐Ÿ˜‚ well, after reading this blog!


During these breaks, take time to ask yourself the tough questions, like "What's the worst that can happen?" and "What would I do in that situation?" This can help you gain a more rational perspective and avoid catastrophizing about potential problems.



3. Break Down Big Tasks into Smaller, Actionable Steps


This is a game changer and one of the most effective ways to overcome feelings of overwhelm and it's really simple. It’s to break down your big, daunting tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This "step-it-out" approach can make the most complex projects feel so, so much more approachable.


For example, let's say you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of setting up a new Facebook ad campaign. Instead of trying to tackle the entire process at once, you could break it down into a series of smaller, actionable steps:


  • Identify the problem with your current Facebook pixel setup
  • Reach out to a Facebook ads expert for help troubleshooting the issue
  • Implement the recommended changes to your pixel code
  • Create a simple ad campaign with a clear objective and target audience
  • Monitor the campaign's performance and make adjustments as needed


By approaching big tasks in this methodical, step-by-step way, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and instead focus on making steady, incremental progress.



4. Implement Daily "Small Steps" Towards Your Goals


In addition to breaking down large tasks, it's also important to make a habit of taking small, consistent actions towards your business goals each day… baby steps are still steps forward. "Do something small every day - one to three things that is all you need."


These daily "small steps" could include things like:


  • Posting on Instagram Reels twice a week
  • Creating a new product graphic in Canva once a month
  • Reaching out to one potential wholesale partner
  • Spending 30 minutes optimising your Etsy shop listings


The key is to focus on taking just a few high-impact actions each day, rather than trying to tackle your entire to-do list at once. This steady, consistent progress will add up over time, helping you make meaningful strides in your business without feeling overwhelmed.



5. Establish Clear Boundaries and a "No" List


As a handmade business owner, it's easy to feel like you need to say "yes" to every request and opportunity that comes your way. Failing to set clear boundaries around your time and energy can quickly lead to overwhelm.


So, I created a "no" list - a set of boundaries and commitments that I simply won't take on, no matter what. This could include things like:


  • Declining invitations to virtual summits or speaking engagements
  • Refusing to offer custom orders or product modifications
  • Turning off notifications and not responding to messages during certain hours
  • Saying no to requests from friends and family… yes, it’s ok to say no to loved ones - it doesn't mean you don’t care


By establishing these clear boundaries and sticking to your "no" list, you can protect your time, energy, and creative focus - and avoid the burnout that comes from trying to do it all.




6. Automate and Outsource Where Possible


As your handmade business grows, it's important to look for opportunities to automate repetitive tasks and outsource work that doesn't align with your unique strengths and passions. This can help free up your time and mental bandwidth so you can focus on the high-impact activities that drive your business forward.


  • Social media scheduling and content creation
  • Email marketing and customer communication
  • Bookkeeping and financial management
  • Product photography and image editing
  • Website maintenance and updates 


By using tools and services that can handle these types of tasks, you can reduce the load on your brain, leaving more of your energy to devote to the creative and strategic aspects of running your business.




7. Process Your Emotions Through Journaling


Finally, when all else fails and you're still feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to process your emotions through journaling or other forms of expressive writing. "If you're still feeling overwhelmed, write it down, journal it out, angrily scribble - just get your emotions out so that you can process them in your mind a little bit easier."


Putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) can be a powerful way to release the pent-up stress and anxiety that comes with running a handmade business. It allows you to get your thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto the paper, where you can then examine them with more clarity and objectivity.


Journaling can be incredibly cathartic and help you regain a sense of calm and control even in the midst of chaos.




Reclaim Your Sanity and Thrive as a Handmade Business Owner


Overwhelm is a common challenge for handmade business owners, but it doesn't have to be a permanent state of being. By implementing the strategies outlined in this post - from limiting content consumption to establishing clear boundaries to breaking down big tasks - you can regain a sense of control and focus in your business.


Remember, the key is to start small and be consistent. Implement just one or two of these techniques at a time, and give yourself the time and space to see the benefits. Over time, you'll build a toolkit of proven strategies to help you overcome overwhelm and thrive as a handmade entrepreneur.


 Love Steph xox



๐ŸฅณDo you want to learn more? 

We’ve got loads of resources to help you scale your handmade business:


1๏ธโƒฃโœจJust starting out? Here's my best resources:๐Ÿ‘‰ Start here  ๐Ÿƒ


2๏ธโƒฃโœจWant to be visible and get more traffic? Here's my recommendations: ๐Ÿ‘‰Get noticed ๐Ÿ‘€


3๏ธโƒฃโœจReady to grow your business? Here's your to-do list: ๐Ÿ‘‰ Grow here ๐Ÿ“ˆ

๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸปChoose your own adventure with these resources๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป


โœจMy book “how to be a handmade boss” is like a super intensive course on getting your first sales (plus, it’s a book/workbook hybrid!) ๐Ÿ‘‰  Find out more here


โœจShop not doing so great? Getting views but no sales? No views at all? Overwhelmed with it all? Check out the shop doctor: ๐Ÿ‘‰ Join here


โœจMy highly rated FREE masterclass on how to increase your Etsy conversion rate is the KEY thing most Etsy sellers miss when trying to make more money and get more sales in 7 days. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Join here


โœจListen to my chart-topping podcast for an unfiltered and honest view as to what it takes to grow a handmade business ๐Ÿ‘‰ Listen here ๐ŸŽง Whether you’re a complete beginner on Etsy, or want to scale your handmade business to multi-6 figures, the “How To Be A Handmade Boss” podcast gives you actionable advice and workshop style episodes to grow your handmade business on Etsy, your own website and beyond


โœจI’m live most Mondays in my Facebook group with our Monday Momentum lives. These include coffee chats & mini workshops to help you make more money from your handmade business! You can see our upcoming events here: ๐Ÿ‘‰ See future events here


โœจOur YouTube channel is full of hundreds of super informative videos, with help and advice you can put into action straight away .๐Ÿ“บ


โœจMore Blog Posts - Don't forget to check out more blog posts from Handmade Bosses ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

โœจ Instagram is where you need to be for top tips, and behind the scenes sneak peeks into how I run my 6 figure business ๐Ÿ’™Be sure to follow us for announcements of new videos, workshops, content and more.