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5 Things To Get Sales On Etsy In 7 Days

Jul 26, 2022

In this blog post, we're going to talk about 5 things that you can do to get Etsy sales in 7 days.


If you have a shop that has a low conversion rate, or your shop hasn't converted before because you're brand new, then these 5 things may be a bit tricky for you. You need to have a proven business or product first. 

If you're saying 'how do I increase my conversion rate?', then I have you covered because I have a free training for you below. Go and watch that video before reading further into this blog post.

BOSS! Do you want to make more sales on Etsy? Then you need to increase your conversion rate! DON'T PANIC! I'm going to explain exactly how to do that in my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Click the button below and save your seat!



If you're saying to me 'Steph, I have a shop that has a 2-6% conversion rate, and I know that we're doing really well, and we have a proven product that people really love, that converts, I know I have a proven business'

Then listen up because I am going to give you 5 tips to get more Etsy sales in 7 days. 


1. Find Facebook Groups

So, I want you to find Facebook groups filled with your target audience, and post a flash sale item in there (you may have to check the rules of these Facebook groups before you post to make sure that it's ok).

If you have something in your shop that you are going to put on sale anyway because it wasn't really doing all that well, or maybe it's just been sat there for the longest time and not getting any views or sales, then why not put it on a 24 hour flash sale, find Facebook groups filled with your target audience and post it in there?

You could say: 'hey guys, my name is Steph, and I make jewellery and I am passionate about... XYZ. I actually have a flash sale on my item for 24 hours and I wondered if anyone would be interested? I've popped a picture below and the link is in the comments'

Or you could say:

'pop a heart emoji if you want me to send you the link'.

That way you'll get more engagement on that post and it'll go higher up the feed in the group. 


2. Run a 24 Hour Flash Sale

Point number 2 comes off the back of point number 1, and that is to run a 24 hour flash sale on one of the categories in your shop, and send it out to your social media and email lists.

And if you don't have an email list WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You need to go and get an email list, like right now. Stop reading this and go and make an email list. Mailchimp is a great free platform to use and I highly recommend it. 

So, why are we running the sale for 24 hours and not longer? You're probably thinking 'Steph, more people will see it if I run it for longer'. The reason why we're running it for 24 hours and not longer is because people will procrastinate and they'll put it in their wish list, they'll view it, they'll favourite it, but they won't buy it because procrastination sets in.

If they have a shorter window, more people will buy. Trust me, I've done this so many times that I've thought 'if I run a sale or even a competition for like a week, I bet I get more people coming in', but it doesn't work like that. So, run it for a short 24-48 hour window to really get people excited. 

And also, tease them that something exciting is coming up 3-4 days before and this will really whet people's appetite.


3. Clone 5 of Your Best Selling Items 

Now it's time to make a copy of your 5 bestselling items. DO NOT change ANYTHING about the original listing, we just want to DUPLICATE IT and leave the original alone. 

Once you've copied your 5 bestselling listings, I want you to keyword them for an event coming up within the next 3-4 months that is relevant to your business. 

It's no secret that many of the things that you guys sell can actually be used for multiple different occasions. So, why not keyword the clones/copies slightly differently so that they are more targeted towards the event or the holiday coming up?

Now this is more of a long game point, but if you do this enough items going forward, you will stagger them and it will make sales for you quickly. 


4. Post For 7 Days Straight on Instagram

Do a challenge, or create posts that will generate engagement on your Instagram. Use different hashtags, use stories, use Reels, get people to share your posts, get them involved in sharing your brand and this is going to send more people to your Instagram profile. 

If you haven't seen my Instagram video and optimised your Instagram profile to convert people, then you really need to go and watch that next before reading on. That will dive deep into how to structure your Instagram so people know exactly where to go, and you get more sales. Watch the video HERE

You could do this as a challenge for a holiday, like a 7 day Christmas challenge. You could even get other makers involved too.

It could also be something simple like a competition where you run a series of offers or competitions everyday for the next 7 days to really build engagement on your Instagram profile. 


5. Go Live on Facebook or Instagram. 

Don't freak out! Hear me out... I want you to go live on Instagram or Facebook and offer a free gift for the first 5 people who buy your new product.

So, you're going to go live and say 'hey, this is my new product. Here's the features of it. Here's the benefits of it. But, that's not all, for the next 5 people who purchase the item while I am live, I will send you a free gift (that compliments the item)'.

Being live means that it's happening now, it's urgent in peoples minds. They have to join live, right now, and buy from you before the timer runs out. 


I hope you enjoyed these 5 tips, let me know which one was your favourite in the comments below. I'd love to know what you sell too! 

if you prefer to watch me visually teach this blog post, then you can watch my YouTube video HERE


Don't forget to check out more blog posts from Handmade Bosses, and follow us on social media!

> Instagram is where you need to be for top tips, and behind the scenes sneak peeks into how I run my 6 figure business.

> Join THE most supportive Etsy Facebook group there ever was, and connect with motivated, like-minded people.

> YouTube is the place to be for hundreds of super informative videos, packed full of actionable advice. 

> If you're ready to increase your conversion rate on Etsy (NEWS FLASH! This is key to increasing your sales!), then check out my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate.

> If you plan to launch (or relaunch) an Etsy shop, then Boss, you need a roadmap! I've created one that will ensure your Etsy store is set up to make those sales in no time. Download the '30 Days To A Kick Butt Etsy Shop Launch Plan' here.