Do you...
Want me to run my eye over your shop?
Want to make sure youā€™re along the right track?
Want me to help formulate a strategy for you?
Want advanced help?
Have no idea where to start?
Work with me in a VIB session where we
can talk about anything of your choosing:
Influencer marketing
Product launches
Pivots and business changes
Stats review
SEO advice
Marketing strategy
Product brainstorm
Social media marketing
And anything else you want to cover!
A completely tailored look at your business

Who this is for...

Its a yes if...
- You are already in the HBSA programme and would love some feedback
- You are looking for someone to give your business a service and MOT
- You want honest and direct feedback about where to focus next
- You arenā€™t in the HBSA programme but already have a proven product and an open shop
- You sell on Etsy, your own website, Amazon, fairs, trade shows, wholesale, ebay,Ā Folksy etc

Its a maybe later if...
- You donā€™t have a shop yet
- You have made less than 50 sales
- You donā€™t sell a handmade product
- You want someone to DIY it for you
- If this is you - Iā€™d personally join the HBSA programme first!

What you get in each session: