
to The Handmade Bosses blog!

The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and let’s grow your business!

Steph Cole Lewis, business coach and founder of the handmade bosses is looking shocked. There is an eye emoji, a shocked emoji and a learning emoji. All focused on a chalk board with the title 'The HARD Handmade Business Lessons NOONE Talks About'

🀯 The HARD Handmade Business Lessons NOONE Talks About 🀫

etsy 101 basics maker mindset starting a handmade business Jul 30, 2024

 πŸŽ§ Listen to this blog post as a Podcast instead 'The HARD Handmade Business Lessons NOONE Talks About'

βœ‹ Are you ready for some real talk? 

πŸ’ͺ In this episode, we're diving into the hard business lessons that nobody talks about. 

πŸ“From failure and rejection to the tough decisions business owners face, we're uncovering the unfiltered truths of business. 

πŸ’Έ If you're selling online through platforms like Etsy, Amazon handmade, goimagine or have your own website this episode will help you.

πŸ’™ Tune in for candid insights and valuable lessons that will help you move forward in your business journey. 

⚑️ I share the mistakes and lessons I've learnt during my handmade business life from now, right up to the present day running my 6 figure jewellery business






The Unsexy Side of being a handmade business owner


As a creative business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the glamorous side of running your own business - the freedom, the flexibility, the potential for wealth. But the reality is that entrepreneurship is far from a walk in the park. There are countless challenges and lessons that no one really prepares you for.


In this blog post, I'm going to share some of the hard-hitting business lessons I've learned over the years as the founder of a successful handmade jewellery brand on Etsy and the Handmade Bosses. These are the things that don't get talked about in the glossy ads and social media highlight reels, but they're crucial to understand if you want to build a sustainable, thriving business.


Lesson 1: Shiny Object Syndrome is a Business Killer


When I first started my handmade jewellery business back in 2016, I was in the midst of the "hustle culture" era of entrepreneurship. I was constantly chasing the next big thing, trying to diversify my product offerings, create the next hook, and generate content at a breakneck pace. I thought that the more I was doing, the more successful I would be.



But the reality was that all this activity was actually holding me back. I was spreading myself too thin, burning out, and failing to focus on the core elements of my business that were truly driving results. It wasn't until I learned to streamline and simplify that I started to see real progress.


  • Stick to what you do best. Don't try to be a jack-of-all-trades - focus on your zone of genius and outsource the rest.
  • Identify the 1-2 product types or services that are your biggest moneymakers, and double down on those.
  • Ruthlessly eliminate anything that's not directly contributing to your profit or helping you reach your goals. 


It's so easy to get distracted by the latest trends, tools, and tactics, but the handmade businesses that succeed are the ones that stay laser-focused on their core offering and customer base. Resist the urge to constantly add new things to your plate - instead, simplify and streamline for maximum impact.


Lesson 2: The "New Level, New Devil"


When you start to experience real success in your business - whether that's hitting your first 6-figure year, expanding your team, or reaching a new revenue milestone - it can be a surprisingly unsettling experience. This is what I call the "new level, new devil" phenomenon.


In 2022, I found myself grappling with a lot of internal turmoil as my business continued to grow. I was dealing with extreme health anxiety, a crisis of self-identity, and a constant need for external validation. I had reached a level of success that I had always dreamed of, but instead of feeling elated, I felt lost, unworthy, and unsure of how to move forward.


It's a common experience for entrepreneurs, but it's not something that gets talked about nearly enough. When you reach a new level of achievement, your brain will often try to sabotage you by stirring up all kinds of insecurities and doubts. It's your brain's way of trying to keep you "safe" in your comfort zone.


  • Be aware that this "new level, new devil" phenomenon is a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey.
  • Don't be surprised if you experience a period of internal turmoil and self-doubt when you reach a new milestone.
  • Seek out support, whether that's through therapy, coaching, or a trusted community of fellow entrepreneurs.


The key is to recognise these feelings for what they are, and to have strategies in place to work through them. With the right mindset and support system, you can navigate these transitions with more ease and continue to grow your business. We’ve got your back in the Handmade Bosses !



Lesson 3: Not All Money Needs a Serious Business Purpose


As a handmade business owner, it's easy to get laser-focused on the financial side of your business. You're constantly crunching numbers, analysing ROI, and making sure every penny is being put to good use. And while that's an important part of running a successful business, it can also lead to an unhealthy relationship with money. 


In my case, I found myself in a "poverty mindset" when it came to my personal finances. I would agonise over every purchase, refusing to treat myself to anything that didn't have a clear business purpose. I even sold a car that I loved because I felt guilty about the expense… we’re too hard on ourselves.


But the truth is, not every pound you spend needs to have a serious business purpose. It's important to set aside money for self-care, enjoyment, and personal growth - things that may not directly contribute to your bottom line, but that are essential for your overall well-being and happiness. Otherwise, what's the point? Seriously.


  • Allocate a portion of your income for "fun money" that you can spend guilt-free on things you enjoy… go on, treat yourself.
  • Be wary of trusting others' advice over your own intuition when it comes to business and financial decisions.
  • Remember that your worth is not tied to the amount of money you make or spend. You are worth so much more. 


Finding the right balance between business and personal spending can be a challenge, but it's an important one to tackle. Allowing yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labour is just as crucial as reinvesting in your business. If not, you could end up resenting everything….all work, no play.



Psssst! I’m interrupting your blog post to bring you my best training…for FREE!


FREE 90 minute masterclass - How to make more sales in your handmade business in 7 days or less


 πŸ‘‡ Click the button below and save your seat! πŸ‘‡





Lesson 4: Trust Your Own Advice, Not Just Others'


When I was in the midst of my business growth in 2022, I found myself constantly seeking out advice and validation from others. I had a group of "business friends" that I would regularly voice note with, asking for their input on everything from product development to marketing strategies.


But over time, I realised that this was a deeply flawed approach. These "friends" were often more interested in extracting information from me than in providing genuine support and guidance. They were essentially using me as a free coaching resource, and when I needed their help in return, they were nowhere to be found.


It was a harsh lesson, but it taught me the importance of trusting my own instincts and expertise, rather than relying too heavily on the opinions of others. Just because someone presents themselves as a "successful entrepreneur" doesn't mean they have your best interests at heart.


  • Carefully vet the people you allow into your inner circle, and make sure they're truly invested in your success.
  • Be wary of "friendships" that feel overly transactional or one-sided.
  • Cultivate the confidence to make decisions based on your own knowledge and experience, rather than deferring to others.


At the end of the day, you are the expert on your own business. While it's important to seek out advice and support, you should ultimately trust your own judgement and intuition when it comes to the big decisions.



Lesson 5: Not Everyone Will Like You (And That's Okay)


As a creative business owner, it's easy to get caught up in trying to please everyone. I’ve been there and done that and it doesn’t work. You want your products to be universally loved, your content to resonate with all your followers, and your brand to be embraced by the masses. But the harsh reality is that no matter how hard you try, there will always be people who just don't like you.


I've experienced this firsthand with the Handmade Bosses community. Over the years, I've received countless hateful comments and messages - everything from personal attacks on my appearance to accusations that I'm a fraud or a sellout. It's been incredibly painful at times, and it's tempting to try to change myself or my business to appease these critics.


But I've learned that the best thing to do is to simply ignore the haters and stay true to who you are. Unsolicited feedback from people who are clearly coming from a place of negativity or malice is not worth your time or energy. Instead, focus on the people who genuinely appreciate and support you… your target market, you’re cheerleaders and the people who fill your cup.


  • Understand that not everyone will like you, no matter how hard you try.
  • Don't take hateful comments or criticism personally - it says more about the commenter than it does about you… we all know a keyboard warrior.
  • Surround yourself with a supportive community of people who "get" you and your brand. These are your people. 


At the end of the day, you can't be everything to everyone. Focus on serving your target audience well, and let the haters fade into the background, they’ll soon move on.




Lesson 6: Consistency and Focus are the True Secrets to Sales


When it comes to building a successful handmade business, there's no magic bullet or secret hack. The real key is good old-fashioned consistency and focus.


I often get asked what the "one thing" is that creatives can do to boost their sales. And the answer is usually pretty disappointing to people - it's simply showing up and doing the work, day in and day out.


Too many creative business owners fall into the trap of the "all or nothing" mentality. They'll go all-in for a week or two, burning themselves out, and then disappear for weeks or months at a time. But the businesses that truly thrive are the ones that maintain a steady, consistent pace. Believe me, I’ve learnt the hard way.


  • Identify 1-3 small, actionable tasks you can do every single day to move your business forward. These will become your daily habits.
  • Resist the urge to do "massive action" in short bursts, followed by periods of inactivity.
  • Trust that the compounding effect of your daily efforts will pay off over time, even if the results aren't immediately visible. Trust the process, I promise it works.


It may not be the sexy, glamorous path to success, but slow and steady really does win the race. By focusing on the fundamentals and showing up consistently, you'll build a profitable handmade business that's built to last.



The Unsexy Reality of Entrepreneurship


Running a successful business is hard work. It requires grit, resilience, and a willingness to confront the less glamorous aspects of entrepreneurship. But by embracing these lessons and applying them to your own journey, you can build a thriving, sustainable business that aligns with your values and brings you fulfilment… and some nice sales along the way.


Remember, the path to success is rarely a straight line. There will be ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. But if you stay focused, trust your instincts, and keep showing up day after day, you'll be well on your way to achieving your handmade business dreams.


Love Steph xox





πŸ₯³Do you want to learn more? We’ve got loads of resources to help you scale your handmade business:


1οΈβƒ£βœ¨Just starting out? Here's my best resources:πŸ‘‰ Start here  πŸƒ


2οΈβƒ£βœ¨Want to be visible and get more traffic? Here's my recommendations: πŸ‘‰Get noticed πŸ‘€


3οΈβƒ£βœ¨Ready to grow your business? Here's your to-do list: πŸ‘‰ Grow here πŸ“ˆ

πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»Choose your own adventure with these resourcesπŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»


✨My book “how to be a handmade boss” is like a super intensive course on getting your first sales (plus, it’s a book/workbook hybrid!) πŸ‘‰  Find out more here


✨Shop not doing so great? Getting views but no sales? No views at all? Overwhelmed with it all? Check out the shop doctor: πŸ‘‰ Join here


✨My highly rated FREE masterclass on how to increase your Etsy conversion rate is the KEY thing most Etsy sellers miss when trying to make more money and get more sales in 7 days. πŸ‘‰ Join here


✨Listen to my chart-topping podcast for an unfiltered and honest view as to what it takes to grow a handmade business πŸ‘‰ Listen here 🎧 Whether you’re a complete beginner on Etsy, or want to scale your handmade business to multi-6 figures, the “How To Be A Handmade Boss” podcast gives you actionable advice and workshop style episodes to grow your handmade business on Etsy, your own website and beyond


✨I’m live most Mondays in my Facebook group with our Monday Momentum lives. These include coffee chats & mini workshops to help you make more money from your handmade business! You can see our upcoming events here: πŸ‘‰ See future events here


✨Our YouTube channel is full of hundreds of super informative videos, with help and advice you can put into action straight away .πŸ“Ί


✨More Blog Posts - Don't forget to check out more blog posts from Handmade Bosses πŸ–₯️

✨ Instagram is where you need to be for top tips, and behind the scenes sneak peeks into how I run my 6 figure business πŸ’™Be sure to follow us for announcements of new videos, workshops, content and more.